Friday 21 August 2015

Calcified Water Marks

Often found from parking in municipal or underground parking facilities, calcified water spots on paint and glass, water and concrete spots are pretty much the same chemically; they are consist of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) both of which are basic (alkaline pH 10)  with the concrete being crosslinked with water. Often mistaken as Bird Excrement   
               Correction - these can sometimes be removed by using detailer's clay to remove any hardened surface deposits

a) Apply 1:1 ratio distilled water with distilled White Vinegar (Acetic acid, pH 2) solution, and a drop or two of carwash concentrate to provide surface lubrication, Use a spray bottle to apply the solute mixture on the spots and let them "soak." Then rinse with water and repeat as necessary

b) If the ambient temperature water/vinegar mix does not work, use warm (100-120 degrees) 100% distilled White Vinegar, saturate a clean kitchen sponge with undiluted  vinegar and hold the sponge over the concrete spots for a few minutes

c) If the above do not remove them try equal parts distilled water, isopropyl alcohol and distilled white vinegar plus a drop or two of car wash concentrate for surface lubrication. The acid in the vinegar will help etch and dissolve the concrete.
Rinse the area thoroughly with water after the vinegar and then reapply wax or sealant to that area.
  To remove any surface etching use a machine polish ( Optimum Polish, Optimum Compound, Z-PC Fusion Dual Action Paint Cleaner or Swissvax Cleaner) and a cutting (LC Orange or Yellow) foam pad to level the surface (use the least aggressive polish/foam pad first, if this doesn’t remove the problem step-up to a more aggressive set-up)

·         Work on a very small area at a time (2-foot x 2-foot) until the polish has run out
·         Repeat this process two or three times, as necessary
·         If none of the above methods remove the etched water spots consider wet-sanding the paint finish
·         Reapply surface protection once spots have been removed

·         Portland cement (a binder) is the most common type of cement in general use around the world, used as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and most non-specialty grout. It’s made by heating powdered limestone with clay

·         Concrete is made by mixing cement with sand, water and aggregate (crushed rock). Chemical reactions happen in the mixtures and eventually they set

Always be willing to learn; because the more you learn, the more you’ll realize what you don’t know. It is said that knowledge is power, with the caveat that it includes access to a reliable information sources. I would like to think that these articles become an asset to anyone who is new to detailing and to professional’s alike, as well as industry experts who seek to advance their knowledge.

I hope these articles are informative. They are based on the current status of technical development as well as my experience with the products.

By having some understanding of the ‘What’ and ‘Why’ as well as the ‘How’ along with a little science to help you understand how the chemicals we use react, you can achieve the results you desire.

I would appreciate it if you would share these articles as it helps other detailers further their knowledge.

As always if you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer; bear in mind the only stupid questions is the one that was unasked. Questions and/ or constructive comments are always appreciated

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